Energy savings in the operation of buildings are of particular importance as the cost of energy for heating and air conditioning in most cases represent the major cost factor in the operating cost of a building.
The entrained air in the cellular structure of Featherlite Fly Ash system gives the product excellent thermal insulation properties, as well as good heat retention characteristics. These characteristics contribute significantly to the energy saving performance of the building.

Fly Ash is non-combustible. It has one of the highest hourly fire resistance ratings per millimetre of any building material. This makes it an ideal choice for fire protection around steel columns and steel beams, and in the construction of shaft walls, stairwells, corridors and firewalls. A 100mm and a 200 mm non-load bearing wall shall have fire resistance of 2 hours and 6 hours respectively .

Fly Ash has been used for many years in areas subject to seismic action. Building which consist fully or partly of Fly Ash have in general terms shown good resistance to earthquake forces in practice. The light weight of Fly Ash reduces the seismic forces in common with some other materials. The non combustible and fire resistance nature of the Fly Ash material is an advantage against fires commonly associated with earthquakes.
The low weight of Fly Ash in relation to its strength is an intrinsic advantage for earthquake design. Fly Ash permits the designer to reduce the mass of the structure, limiting the impact of accelerations introduced in seismic situation.